A Good Advice About Internet Marketing Joint Venture.

A Good Advice About Internet Marketing Joint Venture.

It started when I searched JV affiliate list for my new launches product. I stumbled websites that wrote some blog post about making internet marketing joint venture. 

Their advice is very good and very helpful to me. They said:

* Never send an email to the big guys just to say "hey, I got new product can you promote to me and I will give you this commission"

* You can't offer a product to the wrong niche because these big guys protect their list and just offer products what related to their subscribers.

*You must build a relationship first before you approach them. You can post comments to their blog post, doing a guest post and etc.

Nevertheless, all of the tips above not quite true in the real small business world. 


I have been in internet marketing since the year 1997 and learned a lot about small business and doing business online. I am not selling or promoting affiliate, I just love subscribing email to the big guys on the internet. Even yahoo for their email list I subscribed too. 

I am the big fan of Corey Rudl, Joe Vitale, Mark Joyner and Jeremy Burns. I really respect them because they delivered the high-value advice to me. 

Nowadays totally different.

What did I get from the big guys these days? 

An email promotion for every new launches product that is not related to what I sign up. I want to learn from you about how I make money online and not willing to buy products about weight loss, video software, whiteboard animation, social media apps and etc..etc.

Why these big guys hang out on products launches website like muncheye and jvnotifypro?

They believed, to make more money on your list you must send first your promotion before someone else. Your subscribers not only subscribed to you instead they also subscribe to the other list. So, you lost your sales if you don't promote to them in the first place.

The point is they don't want you to bother them with your email promotion they want to choose which products bring huge commission to them with the great sales funnel. Just a few of them really care about their subscribers. 

Because they knew with the great sales pitch the customers attitude will buy first and think later, they will get more sales.

Are they know each other with the new product creator?  

Are they already build trust with each other?

The proof is I got affiliate request from the big guys with huge sales in JVZoo marketplace platform that I don't really know before.

Maybe, some of them had a relationship before in terms of internet marketing.

So, what is the proof of their argument?

That only happens when you subscribe to the real big guys like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Apple or Microsoft. You will receive email promotion 100% correct related to what you sign up before.

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